Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So, it's been a month or so since Sophie was born, and we're slowly getting into the swing of things. I've stopped writing blog entries at 4:00 in the morning...but it hasn't stopped me from being awake at that hour. Poor Max really struggled for the first couple of weeks after Sophie came home. Whether it was a summer cold, or simply getting used to a new addition to the family, he really seemed to have trouble sleeping and would wake up every few hours in tears. Those first few days, between Sophie and Max, Mom and Dad didn't get much sleep at all. It's a wonder we got her birth announcements out on time! (I included some pictures of them below).

As the month has progressed, however, everyone seems to be getting back to normal. By some sheer stroke of luck Sophie turns out to be a pretty good sleeper. (Hooray!) Aside from one or two feedings a night, she spends most of her time with eyes shut tight, deep in sleep. Max, too, is sleeping through the night again. He is such a cute kid. Every night we read him 3 or 4 stories (his current faves are "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day", "Green Eggs and Ham", and "Nobody Notices Minerva") and then sing a song or two. Each night after we have finished reading and singing I give him a big hug and a kiss, and make sure he's tucked in. Then (invariably) he will look up at me and say, "Daddy check on me?" This is his way of making sure that Daddy will come back in 15 or 30 minutes and check on him to make sure he's doing okay. Gosh I love that kid.

In other tales of cute Max, the neighbor kids were at our house the other day playing on the swings. They had brought some toy cars over, and Max was fascinated. He kept saying, "I have one? I have one?" The kids didn't wan't to share, so he got an idea. He ran over to his toys and got a toy keychain (it makes noises like a car when you push the buttons) and toted it over to the kids and said, "Share my keys!" He figured if he shared his keys with them, they'd share the cars with him. What a sweetheart.