Thursday, July 24, 2008

Potty Training is Hard Work!

Max woke up from his nap yesterday and announced that he wanted to sit on his potty and wear his "big boy pants." Hooray! We've tried several stabs at potty training, but have been fairly unsuccessful. I'd given up because Max was not interested at all. I guess it just needed to be his idea. So, after 2 hours of cartoons, 6 Otter Pops, and countless glasses of Diet Coke later ... da da da ... pee pee in the potty!!! Yes, I his mother, let Max eat as many Otter Pops, drink as much Diet Coke, and watch as many cartoons as he wanted all day long. So sue me. Any bribe to sit on the potty is okay with me at this point. (Hey, the Diet Coke was caffeine free, I swear!)

Later that day I went into the kitchen to start dinner, and when I came back Max was fast asleep on the floor with his little bare bum hanging out in the breeze. Apparently potty training is hard work! (Mommy thinks it is too. If I have to say, "Let's go try and sit on the potty!!" in my ridiculously happy and enthusiastic voice one more time today I just might croak!) Anyway, we had 5 successes and only a couple accidents, so I'd say we're well on our way!