Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. We're just barely coming down off the sugar high! As usual, it was my chance to pull out the sewing machine and put those home ec skills to good use. Max was a "Rock Star." We tried to tell him that he was Elvis, but he has no idea who Elvis is so we settled on rock star. Man, that costume was a labor of love. The entire thing was custom tailored to fit his little toddler body. A lot of work, but I think it turned out to be one of my best costumes yet. We taught Max to curl his lip and in a deep voice say, "Uh huh." Oh so funny. You'd just have to see it.

Sophie was a Halloween witch complete with 30 yards of ribbon and tulle. We taught her to say, "Boo!", which was absolutely hilarious. She was very proud of her costume and sparkly shoes and twirled around and around. I also put her hair in her very first real ponytails. She looked like such a big girl!

We had a wonderful Halloween. I'm relieved to pack up my sewing mess and call it done for a year. Now I'll just have to start daydreaming about what they can be next year!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Don't you just love fall?! We went to Pumpkin Point Farms to pick out our pumpkins this year and had a blast. In addition to millions of pumpkins to choose from, they had a hay ride, a children's corn maze (which was great - short, easy, and not scary!), and 20 old fashioned tractors to pretend to drive. What fun! We were frozen by the time we left so we stopped for some hot chocolate to warm us up. It was a perfect night!