Sunday, September 7, 2008

Summer Fun Update

It's been a long time since I've done a blog, but life with a newborn and a 2 year old doesn't leave me with much spare time. But here are a few pics to let you know what we've been up to this Summer...

We visited the foutains at the Gateway and Max has never had so much fun in his entire life. After two hours Max still didn't want to leave. Mommy and Sophie, on the other hand, were so hot we could have died!

Another Saturday afternoon was spent exploring the Childrens Museum at the Gateway. Max especially loved playing with the car and pretending he was a cashier at the grocery store. He told one little boy that his groceries would be $1,000. Whoa! I hope Max gets a cut on that hefty profit.

We spent a fun day at Snowbird with our good friends the Barneys. The tram ride to the top of the mountain was a highlight for Max. When we got off at the summit it was only 45 degrees and very windy. Brr! Thank goodness Daddy let Mommy wear his jacket. Max ran around the rocky cliffs like a wild maniac and made Mommy so nervous. (I'm terribly afraid of heights!)

This is a picture of Max and his cousin Alesia at Nicole's wedding. Does it get any cuter than that? Oh, this one tugs at my heartstrings.

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