Monday, November 3, 2008

We Love Halloween!

Halloween was a whirlwind this year! Mommy finished sewing the costumes just in time, and we spent the day traveling to Daddy's work, Gma and Gpa Ostlers, and then finished the night off with a chili dinner and trick-or-treating at Gma and Gpa Wilde's house. We had so much fun! Sophie dressed up as a Monarch butterfly and Max was a dragon. Max was quick to point out that, "I'm a nice dragon Mommy, not a scary one." He called his costume "My Halloween." All day long he kept asking," Mom, can I take off my Halloween yet?" I think the hat bugged him.

Visiting Daddy's Office
The highlight of the night for Max was answering the door at Grandma's house. He liked this better than actually trick-or-treating himself. Each time the doorbell rang he would exclaim, "Grandma! Hurry! There's some more peoples here!" What fun memories!

Max's Preschool Halloween Party & Parade