Monday, October 6, 2008

5 months old

My little Sophie is 5 months old already. I know it's cliche, but how time flies! It feels like she was born just a few days ago. Sophie is the sweetest, happiest, most content baby I've ever known. She is 13 lbs, 10 oz and 24 " long already. She just started eating rice cereal and a few baby foods. Messy, messy, messy, but we love it. Sophie still only has about 5 hairs on top of her head ... but I think they're getting longer!


Amanda said...

Sophie is adorable. I LOVE the messy food face! Max is cute, too - I can't believe how big he's getting.

Kel said...

I show no bias whatsoever when I say that this is the cutest family in the history of all creation. ;) What a great blog too! Thanks for sharing!