Monday, July 20, 2009

Sophie's Big Announcement (and really fast 8 month review)

So, um ... guilty conscience here. Just noticing that it has been a few weeks since we last posted. Okay, months. Okay, okay, EIGHT months. Cut us a break...we've been just a little bit busy. At this point Jacy would like me to make sure that you all know that this bit of sugary and petulant goodness flows not from her mouth, but from my (a.k.a. Steveo's) yapper. We had a rather phenomenal day today, however, and I repented my blogging sins to post yet another serving of bragging about my kids. Before I break the big news, here is what you might have missed in the last 8 months: Christmas '08, Grandpa's birthday, New Years '09, Steveo's birthday, Valentine's Day in Vegas, Grandma's birthday, Uncle John's birthday, Easter'09, Angie's birthday, Grandma's birthday, Uncle Steven's birthday, Sophie's 1st birthday, Independence Day, Grandpa's birthday, Max at swimming lessons, trips to the zoo, buying a new house, almost selling our house, Steveo graduating from University, and a wide variety of other things that we may someday actually post some pictures of. Now, with that out of the way, the big news. . . SOPHIE IS WALKING! It is so great. She has been pretending to walk for months now. But today, out of the blue, she took those first tentative steps and off she went. They say a picture is worth a thousand words ... so a video must be worth more, right? Okay, in any case I'm way too lazy to actually write those thousand words, so a video will have to suffice. To all - we love yer guts.


Kel said...

Way to go Sophie! That's so exciting! Even MORE exciting now that you have TWO 2-legged monsters...I mean, blessed children. ;) Max and Sophie should have no problem keeping each other entertained now!

Tonya said...

yea!!! how fun now she will be into everything huh! She is darling!

Jennifer, Scott, Noah and Lily said...

It is about time you added something new to your blog. We so love spending time with your family.